Monday, February 3, 2020

Income for Cell Tower Worker

Tower Climber is part of a team of climbers working on tower systems such as transmission towers, radio, internet and mobile phone. Climbers are responsible for building, checking and maintaining these towers and tower equipment. Because climbers work in any climate, some climbers finish training the snow cat operator to transport material to the tower surrounded by snow. Working at high altitudes in any climate involves risks, which is why training in fall protection and rescue certification is required.

Many transmission tower climbers don't stay in the profession for a long time, so experience has little effect on wages. Older crew members generally take managerial positions and / or train new climbers when the physical requirements related to work become too large. While typical salaries range from $ 32,269 in the lower range to more than $ 83,340 in the upper range, geographical location has the greatest impact on wages. Alaska is the highest paid country. Here, transmission tower climbers benefit from an average cell tower worker salary of $ 75,100 per year. The disadvantage is the extreme weather conditions that must be endured by technicians. Many employers offer one and a half hour or even double wages, which can significantly increase annual salary.

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